The Dream Team!

These amazing women are simply incredible. They’re so supportive and generous. They are truly helping me to live out a passion for rivers and an inspiration to bring more awareness and support for the Casco Bay and Presumpscot River watershed.

Sarah Lyman (Friends of Casco Bay) and Whitney Rollins Conway (Friends of the Presumpscot River) have stepped forward to support my journey’s success to solo canoe from the Western Maine mountains to the ocean this coming May. They are fun and passionate and intelligent and go-getters and I am grateful for them.

It would be remiss to not mention dear Pearl girl, my beloved cat. She’s my confidant and advisor in all the ways. She helped me design these stickers for the sides of the canoe – reminders of the simple truth of it, water is life. It’s sacred.

Let’s see if we can take better care of it. In doing that we care for all of life. I am on a mission to do that- with your help we will raise over $5000 to support these non-profits that help restore and protect the watershed.

More details coming soon!

Jen Deraspe

Supporting your journey to self~understanding and healing through mindfulness, meditation, yoga, nature and The Work of Byron Katie. 

My custom designed holistic life coaching program utilizes the following tools and opportunities customized especially for you:

*The Work™ of Byron Katie for mental clarity, inner peace and clarity,

*Guided Meditation and Awareness practices
*Qi Gong to revitalize your internal power

*Mindful Hatha Yoga Practices

*Mindfulness-based stress reduction

*Conscious nutrition for greater energy, balance and health

*Practices that re-connect you with the elements, the natural world and your True Nature.