paddling with a purpose!

paddling with a purpose!

Water is the Life Blood of all living entities, including this earth. This watershed paddling journey aims to raise water consciousness and support restoration of the Casco Bay Watershed, and beyond, by raising awareness and resources for the Friends of The Presumpscot River and Friends of Casco Bay non-profit organizations serving the watershed.

Water is life

Follow my journey paddling solo from Bethel to Casco Bay! Beginning on May 5, I will be paddling the upper Casco Bay watershed for about 80 miles, from Bethel to Portland raise water awareness. My goal is to raise at least
$5000 for Casco Bay and the Presumpscot River’s restoration and sustainability. All are invited to celebrate the watershed with community, organizations, leaders and friends on May 13- (location pending)

This is a goofy image from my last solo journey down the Androscoggin River- paddling from Errol, NH to Topsham, ME.

BLogGing will happen!