What if our true purpose is to heal, awaken & Enjoy this life?
Now is the time. This is it.

About JEN
In my mid-thirties, I wanted to test fate by launching into a dream I kept having and see what was possible. I quit my job at the University and started creating an entirely new life. I became a baby entrepreneur, building a retreat center from the ground up. I began to live a life that was simple and real. I was participating in a self-study to discern between wants, needs, indulgences, necessities. I moved from conventional life to total eco-green-rugged-at-one-with-the-elements lifestyle. No hot water. No back-up heat. Hiking into my cabin from December to April. Lugging became a way of being. Groceries, firewood, supplies.
I was scared to death having launched out onto my own without a back up plan. Like panic. Often. Rightfully so—-not much of a savings account, no safety net, no insurance, no deep pockets or any pockets, at all really. My mother was totally opposed. It didn’t feel like I had a choice since the pull was so deep and strong.
Building Nurture Through Nature, an eco-retreat focused on the power of nature and the healing arts, was the most satisfying, challenging and beautiful thing I could have ever imagined dedicating myself to. I lived on a mountain in Western Maine, off the grid, for the past 20 years, literally living my dream. The retreat became a destination for healing in the most earth-friendly, sustainable way. Gobs of people call it their second home and that makes the physicality of building something from the earth up melt away into a deep, inner smile.
I have had the great honor of meeting amazing humans on the path at and through Nurture Through Nature. I weep thinking about that gift. I gave the retreaters everything I had. And I am realizing just how much they have given me. I feel so much support by the community created there, I am moved to tears of gratitude and awe.
I continue to listen to that dreamer in me. Why wouldn’t I, after experiencing magic and miracles along the way by doing it before? It became clear it was time to pass the torch to new folks ready to evolve the retreat and allow me to fledge that nest and allow all to fly freely in the direction of their heart’s calling.
The practices, experiences and services I have been enjoying and sharing all these years have been anchored down into the deepest parts of me, as deep as my connection to Nature and passionate caring for our planet.
I am bringing with me the authentic, powerful and transformative methods for peace and well-being that I have witnessed bringing greater well-being to all involved; Qi Gong, Meditation, The Work of Byron Katie, Mindfulness, Earth-Centered Spirituality and Being in Nature (carrying the wilderness with me) —That is what I bring to the table. Tried. Tested. True. Deeply loved and sincerely practiced.
I am trying on a new way of being~living without a game plan for once in my life and doing the next inspired thing, which is the creation of this new version of what speaks to my soul. Hence this website, these services and my concentrated, expanded focus on what truly brings joy and freedom for me. And for my clients.
What a privilege to witness people expand, get freed up, heal, laugh and come back into their True Nature.
What a gift to know when to change directions and begin anew.
Learning how to fly only happens when you leap. Here we go! Weeeeeeeeeee :)
Sincerely here,
Podcast interview.
Sneak peak into how to live your dream, break through limiting beliefs and find your balance.
“True success is the coming into alignment with You. yes, selfishly aligning with your desires, your clarity, your confidence, your knowledge, your love—with yourself!”
— Abraham-Hicks
Jen is a Certified Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie,
Holden Qi Gong instructor & Registered Maine Guide.
Jen Received the Transmission of 5 Mindfulness Trainings through Thich Nhat Hanh Plum village tradition, is certified as a hatha yoga instructor through the aura wellness center and is has completed training in Mindfulness-based stress reduction.
Follow Joy Photography is also a part of Jen’s rebirthing and is nothing short of fun and inspiring!
Check out her work!