Spirals of Wellbeing

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40 days in…

40 days and nights into this sojourn and quest- into the unknown-can’t know-don’t need to know, anonymously moving about the planet, stepping into a new way and a new phase, warm, silky winds carrying and nudging me along and through to something old and new. Very old and very new. Spiritual endurance. Listening. Noticing. Following impulses like a feral child in the wilderness. Eating papaya and avocado and apple bananas like that’s all that matters.
Tapping into family and community. Tapping back into solitude when called. Balancing. Learning and unlearning so much.

Someone dear told me I couldn’t shouldn’t wouldn’t finish the book I was working on at the time. My head tilted like a curious puppy as I walked into the kitchen. Huh…Isn’t that funny how I let that penetrate my open, vulnerable and trusting heart.

Surprise! That inspiration came back and the ideas and words are pouring out of me now. It’s satisfying and fun and I feel unstoppable around this creative endeavor.

Watch those side paths- all of it valuable and I can’t remove or regret any experiences that led me to this. This. Yet I am very much aware of my gut and heart and shall follow that to the end of my days. I am very tuned in now and it’s fun to practice following the inner voice all day long.

I am being bathed and suspended in human kindness and generosity here with family hosting me and also the woman who owns this beautiful house I’m calling home for now. Sometimes it’s hard to let in. Learning. My host named her place Riversong as it overlooks just that and the sound is mesmerizing. This is opening me further to trust the way of it in regards to the flow of prosperity and how profound the support is as I continue to undo the beliefs passed down from my dear depression-era parents.

Sending warm winds, ripe fruit and flower-essence air to you. Thank you for joining me and remember to listen to your heart’s calling. You are worthy.